隨著 LED 照明技術進步與法規推動,全球逐步淘汰螢光燈,以提升能源效率並減少環境影響。相容性 LED 光源在過渡期發揮關鍵作用,現有螢光燈可直接更換為 LED 燈管,平穩且具成本效益。市場對改裝套件與相容 LED 燈管的需求日增,大正節能科技公司提供多樣 LED 照明解決方案,助您輕鬆升級,邁向綠色未來。
詳細內文Taiwan plays a crucial role in producing advanced chips worldwide. In the AI chips manufacturing, yellow lighting is an indispensable factor in the semiconductor manufacturing.
詳細內文The phase-out of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) is part of a broader movement towards more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly lighting solutions.
詳細內文BENSON ENERGY SAVING TECHNOLOGY completed the railway technology lighting products have a large number of high requirements such as requirements for fire protection, shock and vibration, temperature range, and electromagnetic compatibility.
詳細內文BEST provide the retrofit led solution. The special yellow LED tube can be converted from fluorescent to LED. The cut-off below 500nm LED lamps is applied to a wide applications, which are UV-sensitive areas.
詳細內文Benson Energy Saving Technology (BEST) as a led lighting manufacturer develop a comprehensive led tube ...
詳細內文Benson Energy Saving Technology promotes The SD innovative downlights series ...
詳細內文The LED power Supply Manufacturer – Benson Energy Saving Technology